Whiplash308's Comments
(8) comments by Whiplash308

Comments by Date (8)
The first H/P I got was a rare, so definitely caught that. But I'm looking forward to finding a P/P of any rarity, and I'll upgrade that for sure. This pet looks fantastic. Love these unique types.
Still works as of patch 8.0, in BFA. I made a macro that's just "/chicken"
Mashed the hell out of the button, and eventually worked. Must be done on a non-battle pet chicken. Target a normal, critter chicken, and spam the crap out of that macro. Eventually, it'll turn friendly, and just gotta complete the quest, and pick up the egg it leaves behind.
crunchy and crispy
I got an H/P common. Will upgrade this to rare I think. My only experience with this is that it's a great Moonlight/Garbage trapper, coupled with an S/S Nordrassil Wisp for fast heavy hits in moonlight. Seems legit so far.
Plus the concept of an oil oozeling is pretty cool.
Emmigosa has the same moveset as the Azure Whelpling, a rare drop from mobs in Winterspring..just for reference. :)
Just killed at least 650 orcs, and it finally dropped! 7.3.5 :)
Spent about 20 minutes trying to find some around Karazhan's vicinity at 10:37am EST. Only found a grey quality one, at 43.8, 67.4. Seem to be tricky to find.
For whatever reason, my uncommon quality raptor doesn't show what breed it is on WoW. But this pet is an absolute monster I think. Black Claw + Rip is vicious. Plus Devour is great on top of it.