Whiplash's Comments
(9) comments by Whiplash

Comments by Date (9)
This little pig's moveset and S/S breed (325 speed) look promising (other than Charge, which seems misplaced). Her 'Pig Out' damage + heal move brings Son of Animus to mind, and 'Decoy' is a mainstay defensive move made popular by Darkmoon Zeppelin and Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling. Missle, Rebuild, and Headbutt are all useful moves as well. IMO her only drawback is cosmetic - maybe she is a bit *too* lifelike...?
Quake is powerful, especially against back-line Beasts (i.e., the Darkmoon Faire Tamers). However, while Personal World Destroyer can do the devastating Quake-Repair-Quake sequence, Pocket Reaver has Quake and Repair in the same slot, which in my view renders this pet much weaker.
The ULTIMATE carry pet - for An Awfully Big Adventure (maybe the best achievement ever!)
Without a doubt he'll get the stuffin' beat outta him before it's all over...
This pet's Life Exchange ability is very strong against the Beasts of Fable.
This companion is so big that I rode right past him on the road to Shadow Pan Monastery thinking he was a mob, but the pet paw on my mini-map caught my eye.
Pebble is extremely effective in the Darkmoon pet battle. Set up with Quake and Rupture, rotate him in against the Tonk (elemental is strong versus mechanical), and Quake (hitting the Monkey with a strong backline attack. Rupture can stun the Tonk, too. Often, by the time the Tonk is down the Monkey is around 400 life!
Gazelle Fawn is surprisingly strong in PvE battles, with the HOT that persists through swaps plus a team heal (and the high speed means you will usually go first). She is very strong against undead, and a good pet for leveling lower-level pets. And the HOT is nice when your traps miss several times in a row...
I also found this as a second (to a Dusk Spiderling) east of Raven Hill, after about 20 pet battles, at about 6:30pm server on Rexxar. I had done rounds over the area north of the road for several days and never saw this one pop up.
I'm not sure I would have ever figured this out without a video. Even with the video as a guide it is challenging and sometimes frustrating, and I got motion-sick because of the jumping on the hillsides. But I got the Zep. And rocketing around - and over - Darkmoon Island in the Real Big Race is fun. Now to get the achievement for my wife... :)