Welsycz's Comments
(4) comments by Welsycz

Comments by Date (4)
1-4 of 4
Re: Anubisath Idol
I remember not getting it 2 years ago on the first try, but got it on the 2nd one. That was an old account, and today I got it on the first try for the new one ^^ Awesome pet.
Posted: January 04, 2016 5:07:15 PM
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Rating: 0
Re: Unborn Val'kyr
After 3 hours of searching Northrend I found an uncommon B/B one :) I am really happy, called him "Weeping Angel" as a referrence to Doctor Who.
Posted: September 05, 2014 10:07:18 PM
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Rating: 0
Re: Cheetah Cub
It took me an hour to find a rare S/S one. Really good in soloing ^^
Posted: August 31, 2014 9:06:49 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
1-4 of 4
This pet used to be very strong in WoD, because it could AoE teams down easily. However it got nerfed in legion.
The Grave Destruction has been switches with Consume Corpse, which allows you to only take 1 AoE ability instead of 2. Not as good anymore. Still hits hard against humanoids though!