Watwutwat's Comments
(3) comments by Watwutwat

Comments by Date (3)
The difficulty nerf was just lame IMO as is the instant 25 stone. Making everything easily accessable (just like professions) to all players with little effort devalues that activity as a whole and makes it feel more like a chore than a unique way to enjoy the game. I forget the comp yesterday (patch day) but I soloed all 3 with one beast pet. Pitiful :(
wOOt, just found mine....Friday night on Emerald Dream (High Pop). I spent about a week with a toon parked there and checked several times daily randomly and there it was tonight...nobody else anywhere to be seen. I will say that I saw by far more people camping on my PVE realm than I did the PVP realm (ED), the CRZ is insanity with the the PVE realms, not as bad with the RPPVP. Good luck all, I'm off hunting for Unborn Val now.
Just tried to engage several of these as Horde and it wouldn't let me, they were clearly marked with "paws" as engageable battle pets but it wouldn't. Hopped on my Ally and battled them no problem. Obviously this happens sometimes and sometimes doesn't. The ones I were trying to engage were primarys. Good luck.