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Vren's Comments

(3) comments by Vren

Status Update (1)

Traded 8 of my littler TCG pets for an Ethereal Trader! I am so friggin' happy!

Posted: September 01, 2014 8:06:26 AM

Additional Comments by Date (2)

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A wonderful pet and a generous contribution to medical aid (for ebola or not).



Plus the lil'bugger is so adorable! Love the little goat kick-bounce. :)

Posted: February 16, 2015 1:48:28 AM   |   Edits: 0   |   Rating: 0

Really hoping he's a S/S or P/S-S/P pet.



Getting tired of my rares ending up as B/B. :S

Posted: December 22, 2013 4:36:24 PM   |   Edits: 0   |   Rating: -1
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