Vortalyan's Comments
(11) comments by Vortalyan

Comments by Date (11)
I gave up looking after a month of searching in every available location. I bought it at the AH.
I went to Swamp of Sorrows to level up a lowbie to get it ready for power levelling in Pandaria.
Just for the heck of it I killed a Slime Glob. It dropped a bag with a Disgusting Oozeling in it. Couldn't stop laughing. :)
I got this pet fishing Emperor Salmon at the pool in Paoquan Hollow (the extreme NW of the Valley of the Four Winds).
Last night in Desolace, the first Topaz I went for was a rare but it Stone Rush suicided on me. Over the next few hours it was the same story. I battled 3 more rare Topaz but each one used Stone Rush and died. Today I went back and put a Shore Crab with high health at the front of the queue Put all my buffs into place and kept hitting the "Pass" button until it wore itself down. Got 2 rares B/B & H/S. Stunted Shardhorn trick works when the battle is obstructed.
In Desolace, I had three rare Amethyst Shale Hatchlings in less than half an hour. Topaz ones showed up as secondaries. The only rare secondary Stone Rush suicided on me. Grrr
I showed up at the spawning grounds at approximately 11pm Dalaran time. There were about seven of them wandering around. I passed over several poor quality ones. Captured a common P/S and (as I was in battle) they seemed to start disappearing. I jumped on the last one and snagged a rare H/H. Thankfully, I was the only one camping there today. :)
Waited 15 minutes and managed to replace the common P/S with an uncommon.
that ridge is dangerous if you are too low a level.
The Hyal Barrow Dens were amazing. I got several rare Grotto Voles in a short time. The amazing thing about it was that almost 3/4 of the time multiple rares would show up as secondaries. :)
After awhile I began using the place to level some pets. The respawn rate is very high in there. A rare Silky Moth showed up as a secondary in one battle and tore my levelling team to bits. :)
Upon entering Zangarmarsh for the first time, I sttled down in a safe place and read up on the beasties to be found here. I flew directly to the spawning area indicated on your map and got a rare on the very first sporeling that I battled. It's always gratifying NOT to have to grind and grind to get what you want (which also makes the other grinds inherently hopeful knowing that lightning could strike at any time). :)
I just grabbed a poor P/B in Dalaran (approx. 0108hrs server time). I had just popped in for a once around killing the Infernal Sentries. I hadn't finished my circuit when he spawned right in front of me. I know it's just electrons and pixels but, I swear, he looked just as as surprised as I felt. I don't care about the breed. i have a stone and I'm gonna' use it! (Talk about coincidence. This happened almost exactly as it does on the Pet Battles 101 youtube vid. LOL)
Starting at about 11 am Dalaran time I began battling Snowy Owls. On the 7th battle I managed to get a B/B Uncommon and called it a day. On my way toward Timbermaw I ran across Owl #8 and "What the heck!" I went for it. A Rare P/B popped up. I have to give the Pet Tracker addon a big thumbs up for my success. I was following the map and "connecting the dots' (spawn sites). Thank you for including addon information in your guides.
I was extremely lucky. I was just passing by the mountain, saw a little green paw and decided, a spur of the moment thing, to go for it. Rare on the first go. I like this pet very very much.
For the past few months, every time I go to Northrend, I fly a big circle going to the spawn points shown on the maps on this site.
I got lucky at the spawn point to the northwest of Sholazar Basin in that skinny stretch between the mountains and the coast.
A poor B/B but a stone took care of that.