Vincent's Comments
(16) comments by Vincent

Comments by Date (16)
I have been pretty diligent doing IEs but only seem to get about 2 pets each week (and then I wait for the reset). Would be great to get the CS!
IEs are a pain and it is easy to burn out.
Finally got Baa'l. A really intense journey since I had to Uuna as well- but worth it. I had to go back and change to war mode for Uuna to work, but it did work on the first try.
Mine dropped after the 5th win. Seems to have a better drop rate than the albino vulture.
I play horde but had a low level gnome/spy so I just used him- very easy.
Got mine after an epic journey. Got the potions from the AH and then had to go to get the rest. An interesting pet with a wide variety of abilities, in a critter.
Got mine lst night the easy way. I waited for another player to aggro all the elites (and die) and then swooped in to battle. I used a terrible turnip (Turnipator) to capture.
Easy! ;P
What is interesting is that several months ago I was exploring and found this isle- only the elites were there (mucho suprised) and wondered what was going to happen there.
I like the change. It is better than RNG for sure.
Congratulations! This has been a great site for pet collectors. Thank you for all of your hard work!
Got mine today- feel very lucky since it was close to the end.
Noticed the changes with my Anub. Idol- more of a close-run fight than it used to be.
Been grinding for this for days on end- still no drop. Glad it is a slow period before WoD drops!
Finally got it! The grinding (for this) is finished- now what is next?.....
Broke down and just bought one off the AH. Interesting pet and hits like a hammer.
Finally got one (poor qual.) last night!! Never spent more than an hour at a time looking for it but spent about two weeks non stop. Found it in the Northen Part of the area, away from the lava/fellfire pits.
Glad I don't have to look for it.
Now just waiting for a magic pet stone to drop and summer to arrive!
Was sort of underwhelmed after getting enough tokens but the rodent was interesting enough. Never saw a rare though...
I got an uncommon crow and stoned him up to rare (I like crows in RL). This pet is awesome against aquatics and can hodl its own against anything but dragonkin and magics.
Got this AND the mount in one IE- pretty miraculous! A pretty neat model for both