Vigholm's Comments
(4) comments by Vigholm

Comments by Date (4)
It's not a bad pet in my opinion. That 2,8 star rating is not doing it justice. Don't get me wrong it's not an S tier battle pet either but I'd rate it 3,5 stars due to it's strong damage oriented moveset. It's also extremely strong against the evergreen Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling in PVP so for that alone it gets 3 stars from me. I've had several people with Mech Panda Dragon in their team forfeit the moment they see Brul in my team.
I bought it a few days ago after unlocking the other "more important purchases" first. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that the customizations you apply on your REAL Pocopoc in ZM carry on to the pet version of it, and you can also dress it up with the costumes you unlock for your Pocopoc.
All in all it's a quirky and curious little battle pet and fun to have around.
IMO this is quite easy to get. Atleast compared to the Toy from "The Real Race", that one is a real pain in the ass.
It's a cool pet but I am not convinced it'll own in pet battles.
A nifty little glass cannon. Extremely strong at what it's meant for, quite weak for anything else. I like how it looks but I hate how it's such an underwhelming recolor of all the other similar model chibi phoenixes. I mean it looks almost identical to the wishwing. They make all these "harcore" pet achievements but the rewards are often mediocre at best, just cheap recolors is all we get! I still like it, but I don't LOVE it.