Vicpets' Comments
(2) comments by Vicpets

Comments by Date (2)
1-2 of 2
Bought mine for 25k when it didn't drop for me. This is not really farmable, even with no lockout. It takes a decent group that knows the fight (something very rare in lfr) about 2 hours to run. Also, once the real.raids start in a couple of weeks, the better raiders will stop running it as there just isn't enough time for most folks to run regular raids and this just for a small chance at a vanity item and nothing else.
Posted: November 25, 2014 3:22:43 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
1-2 of 2
This may end up turning into a Holy Grail type of pet. I am very ready to buy one for up to about 10k on my AH, but there has not been one up on the AH in almost 2 months! Now that Timeless Isle is pretty much a ghost town, one can only hope that somebody who got this when it was still current needs some money and puts it up. I have seen the prices steadily rise on Undermine Journal, and now the going rate is about 25k and I can see it only going up from there.