Veyska's Comments
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Since the cat's at least half out of the bag I'll also point out you can level them to 25 too, via stones. *cough* Might have been known already but wasn't clear in the post so figure hey what the heck why not. This applies to pretty much every minipet that can't be used in battles except the Sky-Lantern because it's "bugged" and won't take rarity stones or leveling stones. Animation flashes but the stone's not used (thankfully) and nothing changes about it.
Posted: June 05, 2015 4:29:32 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +2
1-2 of 2
It's got lips and a tiny slit of a pupil, and though it's hard to tell it looks like it isn't all cheerfully/maniacally shiny like normal murlocs. I find it kinda' creepy actually, and I normally like all the various murlocs and baby murloc minipets... To each their own though. :-P