Velandra's Comments
(5) comments by Velandra

Comments by Date (5)
It took 686 kills to get this, plus whatever I killed during the quest line. I hadn't upgraded Rarity until after I finished it. She's P/P. Ended up dropping off an Ironmarch Forager in the ogre camp! I had rotated around the zone, killing a lot in Okril'lon Hold, quite a few elites around the portal, and spent some time in the ogre camp. Probably half those kills were in the Dreadmaul Furnace just because no one else was there, the spawns were fast and the circuit was easy.
Not going to lie, the people who are already searching for rares and bragging in general chat about how many they are killing are driving me insane. Why can't we all just catch one for our achievement and then either upgrade with a stone or return in a few weeks/month to hunt for a rare? Seriously, it's the first day of spawning!
I have opened 112 chests and still no Bonkers. My husband walked in and got it from his first chest, and he doesn't care about pets at all. Too bad it's BoP. :( I'm about to give up!!
UPDATE: I got him on my 245th chest!!! Cost me 39k of my own Timeless coins, the rest was money I got back from the chests. Also got two Burdens and one chest had 10,000, plus tons of timeless pieces I have no use for.
I really wish they would just get rid of the CRZ in that area for a couple weeks. There are ELEVEN different servers camping the area, and I have only seen ONE other person from my own server. About to make a DK on some other server because this is nuts.
I just had a tailor friend make this for me... it is BoP, but once it is learned it can be crated! :)