Veasse's Comments
(4) comments by Veasse

Comments by Date (4)
1-4 of 4
I can confirm that this spawns as a secondary pet. Considering how few spawn points it has as a primary spawn, I'd recommend fighting anything in the zone to get your capture!
Posted: December 15, 2014 1:10:10 AM
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Rating: +2
I can confirm that there can be at least 14 of these spawned simultaneously. I couldn't believe my eyes when I got there today... This was 8 hours after server reset.
Posted: January 08, 2013 4:26:42 PM
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Rating: 0
Re: Hyacinth Macaw
Best farm location in Cape of Stranglethorn: 50,39 The pirates give Everlook, Gadgetzan and Ratchet rep, they're concentrated in a small area, and their numbers NEVER drop below 3. So as soon as you kill one, another one will instantly spawn.
Took 13,999 kills. (And in that time, not one Razzashi hatchling dropped... thank goodness I'd farmed him pre-cata when it still dropped from the instance.)
SOOO happy! And proud that I didn't give up and buy him! :)
Posted: December 13, 2011 5:07:34 PM
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Rating: +1
1-4 of 4
I play on an Alliance-heavy server, so the carpet is ALWAYS up in the Horde section of Dalaran. One trick I just tried - and it worked! - was create a Horde class-trial lvl 100 toon on my server. After a few scenarios, I was ported to Dala, and presto! I walk into the Windrunner's Sanctuary, and the carpet is all mine! :)
Another tip: One of the dust bunny spawn points is outside Dalaran's walls. Go to Krasus' landing, and there's a broken section of the wall where you can cross.