Vasmilda's Comments
(6) comments by Vasmilda

Comments by Date (6)
Got this one yesterday after 3.5 hrs of rep farming, which got me to Exalted and gave me about 2.1K fangs. Go to Fangrila, find a group of 3 to 5 persons including a tank (if you're a DPS, don't forget to go get your 9 stacks of the debuff in the fel lake for additional damage), and farm the "village", the "beach" (+ the rare there) and the cave (+ the rare) and you should be good to get this pet in a few hours!
For Horde players, Falconwing Square seems to be the best place to farm for anything Noblegarden-related. In just under an hour, I looted the 500 chocolates I needed for the mount, and also found 3 rabbits in the eggs. Don't even bother mounting between the eggs if you equip an egg basket; just use the speed boost of the basket, and your only downtime will be from emptying your bags.
With lvl 100 characters, it is now really easy to get this pet. I was done collecting the 999 bones required for the quest in roughly 40 minutes.
The Hollow Reed dropped at my 10th kill today. With an add-on like RareFinder that makes a sound whenever a rare appears, I was able to work while waiting for respawn with WoW in the background. Respawn rate seems to range from 40 minutes to 1 hour.
Watch out for the Rain Dance; even at lvl 100, if you don't kill Nalash fast enough, that spell will most likely kill you.
I finally captured mine! Sandstorm on Mugthol right now! 2 PM server time (March 14). Been up for about 10 minutes. Good luck!
Horde players can also complete the chain quest to unlock and buy Smoochums.