Varanid's Comments
(8) comments by Varanid

Comments by Date (8)
If anyone on Mannoroth Alliance can whisper me, who is an Alch that can make the protection pots, i have the fire already and frost. Name is Varanid, 110 Rogue.
Just won this from the BMAH for 21k
Finally saw one on the AH for 25k, I snatched it, and stoned it! They normally list for a mil or better, I don't know who would pay that much?
I am wondering if any of you know what this pet couts as? What type of pet is it becuase I had 119 pets towards the Managerie Achievment and after learning this and taming a water ele, and a snail, none of these 3 went towards the achiev. Patch day was yesterday, and after work I purchased a zandalari toenibbler and he counted, so I am confused.
Yesterday evening at about 545pm Mannoroth US East coast, I saw a bunch of Minfernals in SSV, before i landed at flight path. I had to run to the store and was back home in 20 min and only found 1, and he was not rare. I cought him and will hopefully find a flawless stone to upgrade him.
I cought a uncommon this weekend, and will upgrade to a rare when I get a flawless stone.
I have had this pet for years! This used to be a final reward for a quest chain that started in Feralas if I am not mistaken. I had been collecting pets on my Warlock, but now all pets are for all toons.
Best day Ever!