Uka's Comments
(20) comments by

Comments by Date (20)
Another Olympic games passing by without the Essence of Competition revived...
I am afraid those non-cageable raid pets are to stay forever :( Nothing has been changed with Will of Remornia or Micronax, which were never made cageable and are now very difficult to obtain.
That's totally unfair! This pet should be cageable - you can get it only two weeks a year and with an extremely low chance. 45 kills so far, nothing for me...
It is now available at theĀ Trading Post (October 2023).
A very cute pet! He is a big doggy and does wear Sherlock's hat when summoned (but not in battles nor in the journal).
And of course it is the very dog from "The Sign of the Four"!
It is now awailable from the trader's post!
Is this actually a battle pet? Bakar and Ohuna are our companions at the Great Hunt events - they can't battle other pets. Or will they be added as such later?..
Yes, it is still availableĀ in Shadowlands!
I have finally got it two days ago after literally several years of trying with five characters! :)
Got it today finally - thanks to the kindness of Lahaliel (Ayunae#2541) from EU realm of Neptulon!
I have tried to catch it with no luck and about 1,5K tries... Finally bought it from Auction House as a battle pet.
It is one of my favorites now! And isn't it the 'Green Tentacle' pet from the Maniac Mansion?
It seems that the bug was finally fixed today. My little goblin was now able to learn this pet.
I have just captured it in Wetlands, it is level 6 there.
Somehow this pet seems to be bugged for now :( Just like Darkmoon balloon, it does not appear in the Armory when obtained...
I have just got him today as well. But it just appeared in my pet atlas after I collected my 250th pet - and not even a single message to tell about it. I rather prefer the old way of celebrating collector's achievements, when Breanni herself used to mail me a new pet with a personal letter...
Nice pet, though!
So: 1) buy several Amani sticks from AH, 2) open the gate and run away from the two big guardians, 3) drink invisibility potion and run in the middle of those two and up to the lake, while fighting weaker savages, 4) use sticks on frogs!
It is fixed now - the pet has been awarded post-factum for the achievement.