Uduwudu's Comments
(12) comments by Uduwudu

Comments by Date (12)
Very difficult, if not impossible to do. The vendor is not "there" and the information is off-kilter everywhere. One has coordinates that do not exist ... you cross the bridge and then the numbers change to the other location, and thus you can not continue looking for the vendor to get the quest!
Clean, new, or updated information would really help ... instead of comments that do not lead you to the quest giver, or quest itself, if a battle.
The numbers and locations for this pet need to be updated. Alliance 97 Level Warlock, could not see Lion's Landing, and the small islands between JF and KW's would show pets when on the KW beach, but when you went there, the pets phazed ... more than likely that "island" belongs to JF, not KW on the maps, is my guess. Unless, there is an issue with Lion's Landing ... and this is the first time I have not seen it ... the map numbers are incorrect. Suggesting a "removal" of information
I don't think it matters anyway ... since tomorrow, or next month, it will all be more than just 2 "realms" and the total numbers will change. I do wish that they would change the nomination of the server/realm so that it has only one name ... I find it weird and strange, and the separation kinda boring. A friend of mine on Suramar gets phazed out 8 out of 10 times we play together within 5 minutes, and the distance more than 2 feet ... it's ridiculous!
I'm OK with raiding, tho I am disappointed with the Mythic thing, to the point that I have not raided. If Blizzard improves it and opens it up some, I'll return for it.
As for pets gained off it? I will be interested ... right now it's not worth it, regardless of supposed gift ... of a typical Blizzard EMPTY promise ... you get there and it's "random", you never get what you need or would like to have! Until that "random" is gone, I'm not interested.
Hmmm, perhaps they mean "Ironmarch" ... and most of them are Orcs ... unless someone has gotten one of these I am not sure this information is correct. A Flying Whelp in Blasted Lands ... just doesn't seem right!
On the old Blasted Lands, the mines were owned by the Iron Dwarfs and that made a bit more sense ... can someone post immediately off which mob they got it? I just purged at least 200 of those and got only one pet ... ZILCH!
On another thread, it states that the Snowy Owl pops between December 21sts and March 21st only ... during winter months. Plz verify and fix information?
Today's results:
Account 1 - 4 Alliance and 2 Horde (all 100) - The 4 Alliance got the daily finished, and the 2 Horde did not have it available. Blue ! was there but quest not available, and then after reloadui, it was gone.
Account 2 - 2 Alliance and 2 Horde (all 100) - Only 1 Alliance got the daily and all the others same as above.
yesterday I got 6 of 10. Today, just 5 of ten. I think I'm going to put down a bet in LV that tomorrow I can only do 4 characters total! Hahahahaha!
Yesterday was able to do the daily on the 3 mechanical turkeys on 6 of my 10 characters. So here's a morning toast and coffee and hope that things are being fixed and in better shape today! I'm keeping track of my notes on the Forum, under the Pet Battles section.
Also, there are massive bugs. I have 10 characters over 2 paying accounts, and that means I should have had 40 Pet Charms, and then 10 for the Battle Masters. My total for today, either 40 or 42, with the first bug having been the Battle Masters over the account's characters, but I got my ten stones. On the dailies, you can get the daily again, but not finish it! I'm sure they will fix it with a restart tomorrow, right? I got cheated! Gonna tell my momma! Sniff, sniff ! ♥
(07/19/2016 after patch!)
The smaller amount of Pet Charms, with the price of the current items (Stones and Bandages for example), means that if you do not have a large number of characters at 100 with the Menagerie, you will not be enjoying the Pet Battle thing, and upgrading process will take too long ... back to the old vanilla days, when you had to walk until 40. It appears, however, that the different designations for each pet is different, and that you and I might not need duplicates?
I am not sure this pet is available as before, as the water areas no longer exist since the expansion. There are a lot of Eternal Striders, but I have only found Dancing Water Skimmers as a secondary pet to the Striders, so far. The current map information is incorrect, and does not take into account the land changes since the expansion. There are alot of Dancing Water Skimmers running around, but they are Level 1, and they are not Battle Pets. Looking for water?
Hmmm ... "primal event" ... the whole area is full of Elementals ... that's not a primal event?