Tutonik's Comments
(19) comments by Tutonik

Comments by Date (19)
Watch the BMAH. I have a hard time a small IRL fortune on pixels.
I used a Terroclaw Hatchling as pimary: Alpha Strike, Nature's Ward, and Ravage (slot filler). Keep up Nature's Ward, Alpha Strike to about 25% (or above 167 hp)
and just pass or NW until it body slams and capture. Judo, use your opponent's strength against him.
More tips for the battle with Baal,
I do say, the Uuna line is SO worth doing. Its a quest with your companion, not just having one out.
I had the Upgraded Uuna on my action bar. After I loaded my team, I pulled out my Fourth Man (Little Girl). Even Uuna mitigated, Baal hits hard. Magic based pets lasted best. I didnt try them all. Best pet, Syd 1 1 2. Cleansing Rain does damage, Bubble, and Hose him (Jet). Void pet also held up. I won 2nd time, so not much info.
Finished up and got Baal today. A couple of tips for Baal. Horseshoes for the long rides out into fatigue zones, the legendary fishing pole with fish mode for the swim down in fatigue zone. $Remove your gear$ Fatigue zone pebble #6 on the skull is on the outside back of the ship. Fatigue Cave, the last pebble is just inside to the left behind a triangular rock on the rock face. It is a dark pebble on a dark background. For most of the pebbles I was competely camera zoomed in.
/way Drustvar 18.5 51.4 Bundle of Wicker Sticks
/way Drustvar 68.5 68.8 Path starts to the skull
/way Drustvar 67.8 73.7 Miniature Stag Skull
/way Drustvar 25.4 24.1 Wolf Pup Spine
/way Drustvar 55.5 51.8 Spooky Incantation
Hearty Thanks to Boxofbeer
Dropped on 25 man Heroic after many tries.
Mother Rousula is a tough fight. She summons more Imps and they agro up from below. She has a dodgable conal attack, when she starts waving her arms in the air...Move! I recommend bringing your Tanksuit (War Frame) or a group w/aoe.
How to summon is on the General tab. But I'll repeat, "its not a guaranteed drop." I've got six kills and no Rebellious Imp. But then, I'm famous for being on the wrong side of the RNG gods.
I knew the /Tar and /interact w/tar strat BUT I didnt think of the Terrible Turnip. Good call there. I used a lvl 1 Scraps to chew him down and brought in a lvl 8 cavern Moccasin for the trapping. Got him first trap. lvl 2 Poor Quality. Love this site!
Got him as soon as saw the advert.
Be prepared to fight tough mobs. Mine was a poor quality, then again I have a bank load of blue stones. The team I fought was Squirky lvl 23, with fishslap, clobber and bubble, a basic crab and a snail. Had to be careful not to kill him.
Good luck and happy hunting
Two Stats: ALLY: "Kings" pawn 1. "Knights" pawn 1. Move "rook" (water ele) to "knights" pawn (angle 1 spot). Same for the other side. Move the "King" out of the fire. If needed, possess a "bishop" and heal the "king".
HORDE: Move "king" pawn 1: "Queen"(Mage) Pawn 1. Stay out of the fire. Bishop to heal "king" if needed. You can use the flank strats if time. I like the knights out 2 and 1 toward center on both strats.
"Its good to be the King"
To leave the King after you start the event you must right click off the "buff" in your buffs. Its purple. This will kick you to the platform at the stairs. Run down and grab the next piece. Hint, move the pawn in front of the "King". Click off again, run grab the next piece. You may have to try a couple times to get the piece to give you the control command, theres a cool down.
PS See next post for strat suggestions
I found this on Blizz Forum. MoD is a welcome to Pet Hunters.
Hey all,
I just unlocked the Deathwatch hatchling from doing a guild run of full gold CMs. If anyone wants to join my guild to buy it, they can. Head's up, I believe you need to be revered with the guild, and have about 300g in order to do so.
Add me if you want a ginvite. Faolin#1664 The realm is Hyjal (PvE) And I should add that it's free :3 To join the guild and all. You only need the gold to buy the pet when you're able to!
Don't Forget to Get this Guy! I didn't get him for a long time because the pet journal shows him as a promotional pet, and I assumed out of reach for me. Then I saw him on sale in Stormwind from Craggle Wabbletop. He also has the fuel and several toys as well.
It the Fuel purely decorative or does it serve a purpose?
A must have battle pet. Great damage mitigation. His Crushing blow even does ok against beasts. He is a go to pet for many of the Trainers.
Orumo the Observer is out of the way so it is unlikely you'll just happen upon him.
Take four others with you. All five step on the runes simultaneously.
/way Talador 31.4 47.6
I've done a lot of garrison herbing with 7 100's. No drop yet.
For Alliance these actually spawn in the quest hub area of Lions Landing. I spent the entire time farming. No Rare Sumprush Rodents a couple of others thiugh. Best I got was a green.
Anyone gotten a rare (blue) one? I've caught and released a lot of these.
Hollowfall /way 58, 27-28 there are some puddles with two battle pet spawns of troglofrogs (when I was looking 1/3/25). Both had Abyssal Lurkers in the back line. All 3 I saw were poor quality. I took one to upgrade and bailed out.