Tumppu's Comments
(6) comments by Tumppu

Comments by Date (6)
Only available in the anniversary MC... <shudders>. So it's like 10 lockouts to try to get it times any lv100 characters you might have. I TRULY hope it's not one of those 1-2% drops.
Got it on second day. Used Onyxian Whelp, Lil' XT and Pocket Reaver. I figured those shields would make using turret pets pointless.
Not a too hard fight, though that direhorn makes some big hits.
Spawn time in Valgarde is indeed still quick enough to simply run in a circle fighting the 4-5 spawns that appear there. Took me exactly 10 battles to land a rare. This was also the last common pet I had in my collection. Now to upgrade those 150 or so uncommon ones...
So, I decided to go around upgrading some of my uncommon pets to rares and came across this one. What an unhappy grind. All told it took about 4 hours to finally find a rare. With the amount of critter battles in that time, you'd think the game could have given me a break and let me loot a critter-stone.
Glad it's over with.
Took hours of camping at the airstrip to go from poor to common, I shudder to think how long until I get lucky and land a rare. Might be easier to grind critters and hope for a stone to upgrade. And like suggested earlier, making a toon on a RP realm made all the difference. No competition whatsoever.
Being an alchemist, you can get an experimental potion daily (or at least very frequently) from the underbelly which gives you a random buff while in the underbelly area, most useful being the tuskarr one, which allows you to fish for sightless eyes in open water (in the underbelly). The quest also rewards 150 eyes when accepted. More info in here: