Troodon's Comments
(5) comments by Troodon

Comments by Date (5)
1-5 of 5
Re: Argent Squire
Since someone asked, yes worgen can get this pet. After you complete the aspirant quests, the first faction you work for is your native faction, which for worgen is treated as Darnassus (for goblins it is treated as Orgrimmar.) After you become champion of Darnassus, you can work towards become a champion of the other 4 factions in any order.
Posted: February 11, 2012 2:54:25 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +3
Re: Toxic Wasteling
Update: The quest "You've Been Served" is no longer in the game, and Apothecary Hummel no longer directly drops this pet. Instead, you can run the Crown Chemical Company dungeon once a day (during Love is in the Air) to get a Heart Shaped Box; this pet has a chance to be in that box.
Posted: February 08, 2012 3:38:01 AM
Edits: 3
Rating: +2
Re: Argent Gruntling
Since this was asked on the alliance version about whether worgen can get this pet, since they don't have a delegation...Same principle applies here. Goblins can get this pet; the first reputation they can become a champion of, is Orgrimmar. You can then work towards becoming a champion of the other 4 factions in any order.
Posted: February 05, 2012 6:56:12 AM
Edits: 1
Rating: 0
Despite Blizzard's earlier claim the "Spirit of Competition" would be an event that would occur every two years to commemorate the Olympics, no such event occurred in 2010. One hopes there will be such an event again in 2012! Would be nice to get a chance for this pet again, or even a new pet for the 2012 Summer Olympics in London.
Posted: February 03, 2012 1:34:14 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +4
The RNG is fickle to be sure. Don't even want to count how many hours I tried for the fox kit. Decided to try for this one and got it on drop number 18. (As an added bonus this was pet #150 for me!)
Think I'm going back to doing some archaeology to build up more karma before I go back from trying for other rare pets lol...
Think I'm going back to doing some archaeology to build up more karma before I go back from trying for other rare pets lol...
Posted: February 03, 2012 2:21:57 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
1-5 of 5