Troo's Comments
(5) comments by Troo

Comments by Date (5)
I'll be heading over after the movie presentation is over!
This year not only were the codes mailed to the Virtual Ticket people, but also to the Blizzcon attendees. If someone else bought your ticket for you, they have your code sitting in their inbox. Bug them. :D
I attempted to farm this today for the 1st time. Flew over and there were about 6 minis up with a green included. I killed off the full size twisters as they spanwed for 3 respawn cycles and no minis showed up. So I let all the full sized ones repawn completely before killing them. 1 mini spawned after. Rinse, repeat. 1 mini per spawn cycle and they were spawning in a counter-clockwise pattern around the circle. After about the 4th time of this I had a second mini spawn as well. Rare.
Having gotten to enjoy one of those Murloc cookies last year, I am sad I won't be there this year to look for more. :D