Triquetra's Comments
(13) comments by Triquetra

Comments by Date (13)
This pet does indeed show up as a secondary to the Scorpid. Possibly from other pets too, but I haven't seen it. Also, they all appear to be uncommon quality as I have also yet to see poor, common or rare.
But never fear, Blizz is here! They promise in patch 5.1 for battle pets to be upgradeable in some fashion. Yayyy!! No more wasting hours on a rare search when you already have an uncommon.
I use a Curse add-on called Pet Theory. I tried a ton of the add-ons and this one seemed the most simple and less intrusive of all the others.
Also, even though it's not winter, the owls are already showing up in Winterspring. I've spotted several so far but no rares yet.
Does anyone know if these and other purchased pets can be obtained in rare? All of mine seem to be uncommon.
I too have searched for many days for this rare feller with none to be found.
These spawn at all 5 buildings that support the racetrack in Azshara as well as The Secret Lab which is very near the track. All 6 areas are clearly marked on the map.
I have also seen these spawn in Orgrimmar at 37.6, 87.4 (Goblin Slums) but you have to be horde to get anywhere near them.
Like all those before me, no rare to be found. I've currently checked over 300 of them, nothing.
These can be found around the The Briny Muck and Soggy's Gamble.
Like all the other comments, the Skald area has lots of these. However, for those that use coords like me, they are at 71.4, 21.3
Also found plenty of these in The Quaking Fields.
Found several of these as primaries in Uldum at Orsis. Around 40.8, 42.0
After spendig a few hours in Hyjal battleing everything I found, this one only showed up as a secondary when fighting Nordrasill Wisps.
n Twilight Highlands, this one can be found in most of the purple areas.
Although these may be "prolific" (as another user described), they appear to be on Blizz's list of long respawn timers. They stated in 5.1 that pets will no longer respawn with every reset and that some pets will now have looooong respawn timers. Keep checking back, they show up!