Trinnitee84's Comments
(5) comments by Trinnitee84

Comments by Date (5)
I went earlier today and there was another player in the cave that had been farming the oozleling for an hour :( so I tried to join in but to no avail, over an hour farming and not even one.... I went back later (quiet time on area 52 realm midnight AEST) and no one was there, and there were over a dozen oozelings, didnt find a rare but I was just happy to finally find one :)
Like others have said, they are int he far n/w corner co-ords of the area are 14.2,61.1 I found 2 in this area but Im sure there is more
If you need co-ords to find where they are here they are 46.3, 52.2....I found a poor one right in the centre of the ruins
I can confirm 6/12/2012 I battled 2 topaz shale hatchling in the ORANGE part of Maroudon and won them...they were low level but still got them :)
just found one at 33.9, 42.5 killed a couple of rats and it popped up straight away yayayay :)