Timotius' Comments
(5) comments by Timotius

Comments by Date (5)
At 4:52AM server time (Shandris) I captured a S/S breed. Server time seems to be the issue here (whether by design or server popuation I can't tell) I agree with others who say the rarity not as important as the breed, in this case. The best way to get flawless stones is through pet battles, mostly PvE and those with the Pandaren NCP's. It takes a while but I really think I got most of mine from battling the eternal striders in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms by the NPC Aki the Chosen.
I believe I caught a P/S breed today even though it isn't part of the breed calculator as an option. It's stats at level 23 (poor) are 1020 Health, 205 Power and 205 Speed.
I don't see that as any breed for a level 23 poor.
I've had mine for a while now, but he's been slaughtered too many times by pretty much any undead (not to mention the queen undead, Unborn Valkyr) that it's just not a reliable part of my core team.
I'm still happy I was able to name him Bubba HoTep though. Couldn't think of a better name.
He's a bit of a mixed bag, IMO. The damage he deals can't be denied, however the hit failures due to the relatively low hit chance for Sulfuras Smash seem to always come at the worst possible time.
He reminds me a bit of a Prima donna. He will hit when he feels like it, and when he doesn't: "You didn't REALLY expect me to hit that time, did you?"
If you're an idiot like me and didn't realize about this lil guy before you left the zone after completing the quest chain don't worry. You can just go back and it's still open, just click on the little yellow crystal to the right, right by a column of stone, to the right of Yirel. For the LIGHT!