Timbo's Comments
(5) comments by Timbo

Comments by Date (5)
I happened to come by an Alliiance raid on Ulmath so I joined in. Afterwards I started to fly off and heard more fighting so I joined into that one as well. I didn't catch the name, but it was a rare yellow crab. I got the blue Diamondshell as a drop.
I was actually trying to get Drafty when this one dropped. I was in 25N.
I've been camping this one for too long. In the meantime I managed to get an Undead battle-stone and held on to it, just in case. Finally paid off. I went flying by and saw only one of these and it was poor quality. With the stone he's now a rare.
Gah....Finally done with getting all the rares in Northrend
These were pretty painful. When I finally saw and captured one a few months ago it was poor quality. Each and every time I happened to see one afterwards was also poor. Untiil today.
Bliz had to perform a server restart so I made my way over there. After the restart the pools were full of these guys. The very first one was a rare.
I got spun, then I came here to read about it.