Tifa's Comments
(2) comments by Tifa

Comments by Date (2)
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@Lornaa: I have succesfuly completed the Dal quest yesterday (Jan 23rd.) on Bronzebeatd EU. It worked flowlesly for me, tho I cannot be sure if I didn't just get lucky with that. Anyway, can confirm that the quest does pop up and seems to be working fine. On the same day the Bog Beast related quest was up, and I got that pet too. To make things even more fun, I have a trainee calling and my little helper in Bastion is Twinklewings, so I might get lucky and find Lucy. Fingers crossed!
Posted: January 24, 2021 4:05:48 AM
Edits: 1
Rating: 0
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I got mine today (17.08.21) at the coords: 14.44 22.84, when a Black Empire assoult was active. It was a rare, HH bread. So I can 100% confirm the Mogu invasion is NOT needed. Also it seams that all the Chirpers do in fact spawn as rares :) Many thanks to the person, who posted the list of tomtom waypoints below! Happy hunting!