Thizzik's Comments
(2) comments by Thizzik

Comments by Date (2)
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Re: Miniwing
Miniwing will always have a place in my heart. It is the pet that started it all for me. I never really gave pets a second thought until trying to do this quest, and failing, multiple times. Once I finally succeeded, I became hooked. I wanted another, and another. I had other pets first, and other pets have cuter animations and sounds, but Miniwing will always be my favorite simply because he was the start of an obsession. Even now, after two years away, I'm all about the pets.
Posted: November 22, 2014 1:50:35 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: +5
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I've spent several minutes attempting type out what's on my mind for the Molten Corgi. Screw it. I love this pet because the last dog I had was a Corgi that I only had for a year before I had to put her down. I haven't been able to have a pet since then because I still feel the loss. Recently I had been thinking about finally getting another one and BAM, Blizzard provided me with a surrogate. I just returned to WoW and had no idea that with was going to happen. Nice surprise. Thanks Blizz.