Thirroxin's Comments
(3) comments by Thirroxin

Comments by Date (3)
Ran across this little guy upon taking the blimp from Ogrimaar. Was common H/H build but was stoned to Blue. Even at level 25 this pet does not seem so amazing as I had expected. It's curse is neat but fairly useless in PvP unless your up against a team yours is mainly strong too. This+Anubis+Murkalot had some fun though. I would start off with the Unborn and curse, then bring in Murkalot to kill it off and Righteous Inspiration the Unborn in for another round of cursing on the next pet.
Not bad luck, it is preset now to be purchased one time on each toon (worgen toon that is) from either NPC with the stat build of B/B. The other builds are no longer obtainable, only adding to there rarity. IF you see a S/S on auction or being traded out in chat, hop on it :)
I wouldn't say nerfed at all. He still has plenty of potential with combination tactics. RB > Put in Unborn Val'kyr > Curse > Toss out whatever beatdown pet your rolling with. Loads of fun for PvE and pet catching that is :)