Thetaxman's Comments
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Found a common quality one last night 28/05/2013 on Jubei'Thos at the spawn point in Grizzly Hills just north of Dun Argol. This pet was captured only 8 minutes before the server shutdown which was at 10pm AEDST (Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time)
Please note NPCScan did not go off for me even though I cleared my cache and double checked the NPCScan GUI to make sure it had not been detected after logging back in. DO NOT RELY ON NPCScan. Pay attention each pass over a spawn point!!
Can anyone confirm if this pet is ACTAULLY obtainable on non-chinese servers?
I realize that at one stage it was available through the BMAH during beta testing but I haven't been able to find any records of anyone seeing it on the BMAH since MoP went live.
Also I believe this was a pet via a redemption code, so would that mean if you attended the event in China and physically had the promotional code \ card would it be useable on a US or EU server?
in-game showing as uncommon in my pet journalĀ (not that it should make any difference but has been upgraded with a Argent Pony Bridle on my main)
in my complete list of pets on warcraftpets is showing as a rare
so do i use a flawless stone to upgrade it in-game?