Themagician's Comments
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Re: Bonkers
weeding through all the comments, seems like S/S is the best breed considering the combo, which is the one I got after 40 consecutive tries :D, you will win lots of PVP with him, with a good team.
Posted: March 15, 2014 8:07:54 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: -1
Aside from al lthe comments for "what is the drop rate on this chick" The breed that I found that works best is P/P, quills are pretty good but need another pet on your team that is fast to balance out and counter oponent, if required.
Posted: March 08, 2014 4:34:43 AM
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Rating: +7
1-3 of 3
I ran Animus on 5 of my toon with bonus roll for a mounth, no drop, Then i lost it so i went to the AH on a very reputable Horde server and snagged it for just a little under 5k. All i can say is This thing is Beast in pvp , paired with the right team. Oh and there a plenty left, good luck Hehe.