Thehorror's Comments
(12) comments by Thehorror

Comments by Date (12)
Have anyone seen Black version? Silver and Gold one are for sale on AH all the time, but Black one are yet to be seen (at least on my server).
Longboi of a pets. Sadly, unlike his older brother, does not have any particularly useful qualities.
Got one from Fallen Adventurer's Cache - container that drops from rares in the Maw.
Container is quneque so you can't loot next one until you open previous one.
In terms of animations: Sniffs around from time to time. If you stand still for too long it will curl up and fall asleep. Vocalization on click.
She have classic cat interaction if you target her and /sit she will jump on your knees (to check how tasty your eyes actually are it seems).
Drops from one of the rares in Vale of Eternal Blossoms during invasion. Have interactivity - once per min or so turns it's owner pueple hazy for 5 sec.
In terms of combat: good attack power, have slow and 50% blind baked into attack moves plus decent AoE and dot, not top tier but far from useless.
Why it's battle rating is so low? 341 speed, Extrap Platingm, Flurry, Smoke Cloud and second life from family trait - this thing is a beast in PvP very similar to the bunnies.
When you target him ahd type /roar he'll roars too.
One of the best untiundead pets to date. Skitter, Blac claw, Swarm plus water type for double counter.
Gonna get all 3 for the new undead themed pet dungeon.
Despite having less Power an HP then Emperor Crab this little guy can be a viable alternative to it in some situation due to ramping up Pinch damage.
Nice looking pet, sadly too slow for his kit, tough.
Coolest looking Murloc pet IMO, got this little marvel from second Iland Expedition on my alt, killed one random pack of murlocs with elite, and there is no special Murloc events on ilands this week.
Blizzard probably upped drop chance for now to compensate for the first few month, so do not rush to buy first overpriced few on AH, just wait a bit, it will drop for you or prices will drop.
Edit: Already got 3 of those on AH, fom different people so prices should drop fairly soon.
Drop chance is pretty high 5-6 drops out of 20 Treasure goblins killed.
Have interactivity - will whisper some unsettling things to you from time to time.
Moveset is pretty silid with Murder the Innocent against bosses and Stampede/Hatred manifest combo.