Theddasapa's Comments
(9) comments by Theddasapa

Comments by Date (9)
@Uka, The data shows there is a battle pet, that only 1 is allowed per account, and even what abilities it has. Right now, the problem is that there is no information on how to GET the pet, or when it will become available. It could be in a later chapter, it could be once you hit renown 30, or some hidden achievement or secret finding... who knows, but yes it exists. And until someone actually GETS it or figures it out, we will not know how to do so and will just have to sit on our thumbs.
I found mine at 60.79, 78.11 in Waking Shores (just behind the Red Dragonflight home by the earth/mostly ice elementals invading and dungeon)
Since my addon gives breeds, but the possible breeds are not listed anywhere, I spent a lot of time farming 3 of what I wanted specifically and for Silver Purrkin the breeds I found are HS and BB. This is most likely the entire set unless there is a breed that is really rare to spawn.
Since my addon gives breeds, but the possible breeds are not listed anywhere, I spent a lot of time farming 3 of what I wanted specifically and for Curious Purrkin the breeds I found are SS and SB. This is most likely the entire set unless there is a breed that is really rare to spawn.
Since my addon gives breeds, but the possible breeds are not listed anywhere, I spent a lot of time farming 3 of what I wanted specifically and for Scavaging Skrat the breeds I found are BB, SS, and SB. This is most likely the entire set unless there is a breed that is really rare to spawn.
Since my addon gives breeds, but the possible breeds are not listed anywhere, I spent a lot of time farming 3 of what I wanted specifically and for Damp Skrat the breeds I found are HS, BB, and SB. This is most likely the entire set unless there is a breed that is really rare to spawn.
I got mine during a Black Empire assault. It is not limited to the Mogu assault.
"has anyone gotten this? I occasionally see the mobs in reef expedition but im sure there's something missing" On the main page for this mob, you can see that 0.0 people on this website have this pet, so at this time, this pet is not dropping. However... there are theories that you may need a combination of specific islands, the correct mobs, even that it might have something to do with the spirit guide and some rare murlocs being ghosts (matching the flavor text) and may need a trigger.
Just an FYI... the Stormtouched Pridetalon is a glowy/see through flying mob found in the storm event. The quest where you get a rocket helps TONS in getting to them. I got mine after 42 kills going between the two spawn points I found at /way 51.27 19.94 and /way 41.88 60.34 <3