Thalisule's Comments
(14) comments by Thalisule

Comments by Date (14)
I've got one at 19:45. A poor one, but battle stones are helpful things. I don't know if the rain has something to do with it, but it was raining when I caught him/her. It was the second time I found one (the first time forgot to use my Terrible Tunip so I killed it by accident, oh stupidity).
I've got this one for free, it was enclosed in the green package by a Darkmoon ticket, after I finished the Ring Toss quest on the faire.. I'm very happy!
Spending weeks on getting this one. Over 100 attempts so far. My sister already has one, opened a couple of chests today, just for fun.. and she has her second Bonkers. I was really sick about at. She tried to trade it with me, but that's not possible. Next attempt, I first will have 10.000 coins befor trying again. I'll keep trying :)
You don't need to buy a kite or try to battle for a secondairy. When you are standing on the path to the celestial court, just look into the sky for a large albatros, wait until it's close enough, then shoot it once (need a ranged weapon for that). He will grab you and take you up into the sky. Keep shooting it until it's health is about 200, and when you are above a rock with moths, kill it. It will drop you on a rock, and you can battle.
The second battle, I caught a rare one :)
It's a great pet. Especially the combination Supercharge, followed by Demolish is very powerful, but my experience is, that this pet misses quite often.
This is the first faire that I use for daily pet battles, and after doing a pet battle a day at the faire with a wonderful team that makes it very easy to defeat this tamer, I gat an eye today. I am happy!
I use the following team: Nexus Whelpling, (start with Arcana Storm, then Surge), Fel Flame and Anodized Robocub. With this team, it's almost impossible to lose.
I found mine today, as a second pet with a Glowfly.. so hunt the Glowfly's as well. Mine was flying at the east side of the fair. The level was higher (level 7), and, like I said, it has a second pet which was a Crow. So don't forget the Glowfly when you see one :)
And like others said... don't drive yourself mad with finding a rare one... use a battle stone. Even the poor Crow's are hard to find.
Got very lucky with this one. Someone mentioned this pet, I took af to the Stormpeaks, fell right in a snowstorm, and caught three in a row. Tried to hunt for a rare, released my poor Fox Kit, en the fourth one was a rare!
I caught mine at 9 am this morning. When you use PetTracker, you can see the Fox kit spawn locations on the map, when it snows. When it stops snowing, the beast-icons disappear!
My favorite mechanical. Love this pet, he is very strong. Most used for tamers.
Just after I caught a Unborn Val'kyr @ 5. am, I flew to Felwood for this guy, and there was one. I'll guess this is my lucky day!
After half an hour I got a rare, just outside the Valley of Emperors. It's really a great pet, one of my favorites. Very strong, and his Rampage-ability is devastating against all sorts of creatures, especially dragons! Must-have pet.
This pet came to my attention, so I went on a hunt, @ 7 am. After a search for four minutes, I spotted one, and this first one was a rare. Got it.. so I'm lucky, I guess.
After searching for two days, I found mine at 05:00 AM. Checked all the spawnpoints one by one, and at the second one, there she was. Poor quality, but I saved a battle stone for her. I'm very pleased :-)
Got this one after a number of kills, don't know exactly how much, but I think about 30. After an hour I got him.