Teths' Comments
(8) comments by Teths

Comments by Date (8)
Got mine today , very pretty :)
wow! I got this today, only my 3rd menagerie pet battle won, veeery pleased :)
After reading comments on here, I went over to Evermorn Springs, there was just ONE in the pool there, and it was a rare, I couldn't believe it! About the best luck I've had so far :)
I can't believe I got it first bag I bought!
OK, "Gazelle Fawn" CAN be captured - "Gazelle" turns up as the extra, and cannot be captured, which is a shame as there are two different colours, a tan striped one and a black& white one, I spent ages trying to get one of each before I realised thay were un-capturable :(
OK- the Eastern Kingdoms Safari achievement lists this pet and the other two colours to be 'captured' in order to get the achievement. I have all 3 colours which I have purchased,they are greyed out on the achievement list, because you cannot battle them....so how do you get the achievement??
I did the battle trainer quest and had one spawn after I finished it.
There are two that have spawned under rocks and therefore unreachable - I have done a bug report.