Talents3777's Comments
(6) comments by Talents3777

Comments by Date (6)
Got this pet off the AH today for, you'll hate me, 10kg. OMG did I click that "Buyout" button fast. I think the seller may have forgotten a zero.
I've done that before myself selling a chopper, so, finally get my day.
And you better believe I leveled it right away. Cute little guy.
While leveling this pet with a couple Crows against aquatics I noticed what appears to be a bug. The spells Toxic Smoke and Sticky Grenade only do 50% damage.
Mechanical spells are weak against elementals, but should not be weak against aquatics, right? At first I thought it might be the Eternal Strider's Cleansing Rain weather effect but then I noticed it happened whether or not the weather effect was active.
I put in a bug report. Was I correct in doing so?
It is obvious that Darkmoon Faire is now cross-realm. Anyone have any knowledge as the the spawn timers? I heard they changed to more frequent 4-6 hour spawn times. Is this true?
Sorry to anyone who got steered in the wrong direction from my earlier post stating that the Unborn Val'kyr is a added pet undetectable by flying around with a target macro.
I was only using information found on this very website under the "Location" tab that says exactly that.
Come on Warcraftpets.com, you're making me look foolish here.
I can tell you from my perspective this does not work at all. I bought the special chicken feed, tried doing this with all my chickens, got rid of one rare just to catch a fresh one nearby and tried it with it. This isn't doing squat. I have tired out my hand clicking that stupid macro. Human mage, lvl 70 was doing the dirty work. I have to wonder if only races or roles can do it or if MoP 5.1 has made it unworkable. Hand is tired, I'm letting this rest.
I never got this pet before and it appears the questline to obtain it is not available. Anyone know if it is only available to certain races?