Taiine's Comments
(15) comments by Taiine

Comments by Date (15)
I have to say this pet works out rather well, more so if buddied up with a pet that can get a boost from the Scorched Earth such as Hatespark the Tiny or any other fire elemental. Then you can keep this one for its flying skills and lay down Scorched Earth beore switching. Had some nice luck in PVP with such thus far.
Not the best pet in the world but also not bad either. As said it does work best when buddied with a moonlight caster to boost its skills. Also people remmeber you can gather topins across more then one toon. I found Northrend, Outland, and Eastern Kingdoms quickly gets you the 150 you need. Repeat across other toons and you're set. I'd only do them all if you only have one/two toons or don't have the achives yet.
Be preped, as These guys hit hard. A common took out two of my rares before even getting it to half health.
The ones I found were along the edges near the tiger temple and along the 'center' path cutting though the hills.
Edit: Seems people are randomly thumbing down comments on this pet, what gives?
These pets spawn rarly in the place of other pets. If you are finding none in the area, enter a battle with the pets that are up, and either battle or forfit then wait for the next spawn.
There not bugged, just higher chanse for poor/uncommon.
These guys come along with arctic hairs, spiders and snakes. They are also all over the Dark'Sotra Fields, fast respawn, you don't have to worry about running out as there are a LOT running around. A close by stable master at the Argent Stands (directly north) can offer fast heals (target Fala if you can't find em)
Be mindfull and clear some of the crazed water spirits as they can run into you and interrupt your battle.
If you're after these rotches they are very often/nearly always as an extra to another battle like the nether rays. I cought my rare farming for my rare ray.
These are all found with in the area right above Gruuls Layer. They are all over the scorched land there, respawn fast and are in no way a rare find. You can easily run from one to the other on your hunt for a rare.
They tend to be buddied up with critters/beasts like rabbits, spiders, marrots and squorpids, along with the zone only cavern crawler so have something along that can also tend with them.
Great place to level pets as well with the fast respawn in a small area.
The island is in no way effected by phasing. Some servers tend to have a low pop then others, they also seem to be rather slow respawning. When I got there there was three others all camping for them. I was able to get to ne before another did and got myself a rare ape!
I stayed up until 4am for 'midnighbt' reset and not a single one spawned. Waited another hour, nada. Went to bed a bit iffed. Two days later IU was up at 8am, 4am server time and both cellers were sworming. Nabbed myself two rares out of it then leveled off the rest.
Oddly, both rares I cought were lv 16, while everything else was lv 17.
If you're farming these for a rare catch, kill every Elder Diemetradon except the ones with hatchlings following them! These 'momma's will RESPAWN a hatchling every 2-5 mins! Elders with no hatchlings wont spawn any hatchlings, so kill them off. Momma Elders will ALWAYS spawn with a hatchling.
If you're farming these for a rare catch, kill every bear except the ones with cubs following them! These 'momma' bears will RESPAWN a cub every 2-5 mins! Bears with no cubs wont spawn any cubs, so kill them off. Momma bears will ALWAYS spawn with a cub.
With this you can easily have every bear in the area be a momma and have a endless supply of cubs to battle like I just had.
Note: Diemetradon Hatchling Also follow this methood of 'mommas' that respawn the 'babys'.
I am a sad camper. There has always been at lwast 3-4 other people here every time I check and no slimes to be found.
I am one of the lucky few who got this pet. None of us knew it existed and did the raid just for the new event boss. Then low and behold we each got the pet, and I won the Arcanite Ripper XD
I have to say, after finding a rare of this fella.. I am very glad I kept leveling him. His self heal "Photosynthesis" is amazing for further pet hunting.
Find pet, battle till low, let Ruby sapling sit there healing its self while you spam trap. This fella has let me get a nice collection of rares thus far where otherwise I may have lost my team trying.
I found these dream whelp packs are ideal to power level your own pets with, as they never attack first with a damaging move, often just spam buffs/heals over and over, and are a rather quick kill.
I use a single Guardian Scourged Whelpling and just use Call Darkness then spam Dreadful Breath. It can knock all three dream whelps out with the only thing to look out for is if they put your pet to sleep. So a 2nd Scourged Whelpling or some other pet with humanoid attacks can aid in that.