Tacololo's Comments
(6) comments by Tacololo

Comments by Date (6)
1-6 of 6
Re: Giant Sewer Rat
Just got it at my 2260 th cast.Really? yes really!. I admit that I felt relieved.Next grind I am going to discipline better and set some time boundaries for myself. I have some difficulties to stop if it doesnt go as I hoped for but this will teach me.
Posted: June 25, 2012 5:21:55 PM
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Rating: 0
Re: Mr. Grubbs
while fishing for the dalaran rat I observed some funny jumping over you in the water and come back behind you behavior from this pet. Later I experimented a bit and found that if you stand on a ledge in front of a ravin mrGrubbs eventually will jump over you and go down. It may take a while but he will come jump back up to you out of the depths. Sometimes you have to wait a few minutes but he will come back up making salto`s.I wonder if any of you experimented with this.
Posted: June 25, 2012 5:17:50 PM
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Rating: 0
Re: Fox Kit
I will head soon to TB to spend some more quality time there / trying to combine things / just got my rustberg seagull- fox hunt for fox kit
- herbing and mining
- embersilk cloth farming
- PvP and dailies for rep and TB commendations for mounts as well and the fabulous light signal
Posted: June 25, 2012 4:41:49 PM
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Rating: 0
Re: Guardian Cub
got one for "only" 4500 in AH. Great pet.Tells me to visit dun morogh, so I go to dun morogh then it tells me to visit karazan. I have no idea where that is.
Posted: May 29, 2012 6:56:29 AM
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Rating: 0
just got my wyrmling today. It does fly behind me in the air so this seems to have changed. It makes a noice when you click on it contrary to the mana wyrmling. I find the colours rather dull but not a bad pet.
Posted: May 25, 2012 9:32:49 AM
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Rating: 0
1-6 of 6
BTW checkout achievement darkmoon despoiler. The items listed there are the result of monthly repeatable quests and some you can buy in the AH real cheap. Only a few are really expensive. This can greatly speed up the process of obtaning darkmoon prize tickets.