Sushi's Comments
(2) comments by Sushi

Comments by Date (2)
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Bought one off the AH today and my BreedID addon was saying he was only available in B/B. As soon as I leveled him he was showing up as P/P, so it may be a bug with BreedID... With 333 power at level 25 he's the most powerful of the Winter Veil pets by far!
Posted: December 25, 2013 10:02:19 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: -1
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The Spirebound Crab is certainly a great pet, but it's no Emperor Crab. A P/P Emperor Crab can solo most of the Pandaria Tamers leaving plenty of room for a carry pet. Surge, Healing Wave, Whirlpool - he hits hard and has big heals. But if you don't have a P/P Emperor Crab yet, a P/P Spirebound Crab is the next best thing.