Supernova's Comments
(12) comments by Supernova

Comments by Date (12)
I only saw uncommons and common in 20 min of farming. They have a fast respawn timer and hover around in big packs around the bone graves near wyrmrest temple. Most of the seconadry pets are rabbits and tundra penguins.
Took me about 10 pet battle in order for me to get my rare. You can find them on the island to the west in the Howling Fjord. There are quite a few there, so its not too hard to find a rare if your looking for one. Most of the secondary pets that fight in the battle are critters.
If you dont want to go down into the catacombs, these pets can show up as a secondary pet to anything in the zone.
You can find these guys as a secondary pet to most of the available battle pets in the Borean Tundra. I like the move where he slides on his belly to attack your foes :)
This one might be worth farming a rare for. There are a ton of them on the far side of Coldarra amongst the blue dragonkin.
You can find these little guys randomly throughtout Borean Tundra. But you can also get them as a second to the Artic Hare.
I got mine in the Borean Tundra. You can find them randomly throughtout the zone. They normally battle with the Tundra Penguin and the borean marmot. Pretty easy pet to get :)
You can find these little guys randomly throughout the zone. They normally team up with two other critters. Watch out for their cyclone-like ability that can hurt all of your team if your trying to level up low level pets.
I had to kill about 60 bears in order to get these little guys to start spawning. I had like 3 uncommons, and the rest were just grey. Needless to say, I might come back to get a rare of the zombie bear.
I cant verify that "momma" bears respawn more cubs. After I fought their spawn, the "momma' bears didnt seem to spawn any more cubs.
Please give me the luck of the site... 800 and counting...
*updated* going on 1800 now....
I caught this lil guy in an emperor salmon pool near the brewery as well. 193 casts in, first day farming. My fishing level was 580 and I had the Pandaren Fishing Charm. I caught this as a secondary fish off of the emporer salmon.