Sunkat85's Comments
(5) comments by Sunkat85

Comments by Date (5)
OK well I needed his one and Chitterspine Deepstalker and Trench Slug all in the eternal palace. Well after some digging found if you go to EPPU in the great seal in Zandalar for horde. Sorry not sure of Alliance. then pick up the raid Depths of the Devoted: Lady Ashvane - Orgozoa - the Queen's Court this puts you right in the hallway to get to all the above pets.
This is got to be one of the easiest pets i have ever gotten!!!
If you go and do the race day in the ramparts 38.86 52.52 there is a staircase right below crunchfoot the clumsy. a pack of dusky dredwing pups fly around there. just stand at top of stairs just below Clumsy feet and they do a quick stop for you to grab one
This is the best pet guide around!!!!! One of the best parts is all the alt pets you can use and the extra notes to help in ther really tough fights.
the book you need is on the floor and will have the gear wheel to click on it. Found it pops up a few of the vorquin all around the area. ended up battling 2 of them one was a poor the other was a uncommon. ran out of time to see if i could find a rare.