Suetupelo's Comments
(13) comments by Suetupelo

Comments by Date (13)
found a rare at 59.2, 8.0
61.7, 18.1 Grizzly hills. Poor Quality. Showed up on pet tracker, Moonguard
Rare harpy found at 23.5. 33.3. Good luck!
Just spent 3 hours camped waiting, and had one spawn at map location 43.8, 41.1 at 2:34 server. Rare
Just came up at 1130 server, several greens no blues.
Found it 3 pools into the fish of the day area in Karasang wilds. Good luck!
Found a rare 7:53pm server time, found the rare in the southern silithid lair. There were a bunch of uncommons in the nest to the north and west. Hope this helps someone
Just found a big cluster of them at 26.2, 50.1
Found a rare in the dread wastes 57.7, 24.4
Picked up a rare as a secondary to a poor quality Prarie Mouse. 73.4, 72.2
Entered the cave at 53.2, 56.2 found a rare about the 5th one. Moonguard, 1734 server time.
Second try got a uncommon map coordinates 60.5, 47.1 . There were a half dozen, Moon Guard, Horde, 12:23 server.
Found a green on Moon guard after 10 minutes of camping, 30, 55