Strigidorsa's Comments
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Re: Lofty Libram
Difficult, but not impossible. I'm farming 3 of each rare battle pet - it took about two days of flying around the crater, killing every rat and (occasional) libram I saw to get all three.
Don't kill the rats outside of a pet battle, it takes the battle pets much longer to respawn if you do it that way. Pet battle them, clear them out. Lofty Librams will pop up about every 5th to 6th circuit. They do not ever, as far as I have seen, show up as secondary battle pets.
Posted: January 05, 2014 1:23:55 PM
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Despite some of the comments on here, these are not hard or impossible to get.They show up as secondaries to at least level 6+ - circle the Faire over and over again, clearing out glowflies. I got uncommons first - tamed two of those, left the third slot open for a rare if I found it - which I did after two days of farming. Dropped the second uncommon for another free slot, and I'll continue circling. Do this in off hours when there's not a ton of people doing the same thing.