Stormyy's Comments
(4) comments by Stormyy

Comments by Date (4)
After hours of camping waiting, it finally rained for around 20 minutes.
I went through around 30 baby apes, 95% poor, the rest uncommon.
Atleast i got it though, to mad to wait another few hours for it to rain again so i will just pop in every so often.
Killing monkeys around the island didn't work after i killed almost the entire island from rage, neither did mining or fishing, it was pure luck that it started to rain when i logged off and then back on 5 minutes later.
Spent ages waiting around for one to spawn, then what do you know about 6 spawn, unfortunately no rare ones as of yet.
So far no rare, but 1 uncommon and the rest just normal.
Found by far the best method is to just run around and kill other catchable pets, which then spawns these.
Spent a few hours waiting for one to spawn, two spawn within a few minuntes in the middle of the airfield in gnomeragan.
Rare one - which i accidentally killed
and a poor one - caught!
Now trying to catch the FF, which hasn't spawned yet.
Loads in Westfall, Caught 2 rare withing a few battles.