Starra's Comments
(15) comments by Starra

Comments by Date (15)
Caught my rare in The Green Belt (the marsh area), just north west of Green Warden's Grove, first was oor quality and second was my rare.
Webwinder follow for sure so many there and my second encounter was a rare :) /happydance
My first one was a level 6 rare on the tip of zoram strand near Ruzzel's island.
first one i encountered was a rare, just east of mazthoril.
In Azshara i got it as a green secondary pet many times, but in winterspring got it as a rare first battle.
Found mine today just outside of the transitus sheild in coldara just slightly south.
first one was a green and second was a rare.
First one i encountered was a rare. Just north of the nessingwary base camp.
rare hopped right into my pet collection!!!
first encounter and i got my rare just slightly to the north of the pool in the middle.
Although im horde i chose to go to valgarde, guards can agro but if you are careful you will be fine.
my first 6 and the 9th was green.
Found my rare as a secondary pet to a worg pup in Howling fjord, the island of spears near kamagua village. He is easily soloable with a lvl 25 Celestial dragon.
There was an abundance of worg pups on the isle of spears on the western side of the map, i did laps of the island starting from Kamagu.
my first 14, 16th 18th 20th -22nd 24th-34th 36th-38th 40th 41st 43rd-45th 47th-54th 57th 59th-65th were all white or grey quality, my 15th 19th 23rd 35th 39th 42nd 46th 55th 56th 58th 66th-69th was green quality. on my 70th try i got my rare.
On the 34th i found a lvl 20 rare spider as a secondary pet and on my 45th a Rare lvl 21 Fjord rat as a secondary pet.
I used the Left skull catacombsentrance and went straight to the bottom zombie pit, The zombies were annoying but not much of a hinderance, first 5 and 7th and 9th were grey or white quality the 6th 8th and 10th were green. 11th was my blue :D
Try and clear both rooms and behind the stairs. Behind the stairs you will get the "Pet battle obstructed" error, but perseverance pays off in the end.
Woah hes a big boy, found gim at the base of Utgaurd keep in wyrmskull village several appeared on my minimap and the second i battled was my rare.
Soloable with celestial dragon lvl 25.
Found one in between Peak of Serenity and Winters Blossom.