Squirrelbox's Comments
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1-4 of 4
Re: Creepy Crawly
got the dug beatle 2 try to get the rare but took me 12 differnt battles to get a rare creepy crawly got a the creepy crawly beside the little camp with the goblion with the tinkers union
Posted: June 03, 2013 9:38:54 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: +1
Re: Terrible Turnip
I got mine for 8g in AH I think someone messed up bad they go for 40,000 on silvermoon alliance AH. the best way to get it is just to farm your crops every day to get the seed to plant to get it. You know if the bunnicula would have a fight on his hands if he tried to get this veggie (you have a great life when you were younger if you know who bunnicula is)
Posted: May 24, 2013 1:43:29 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
Re: Sea Pony
took me about 20 cast my guild friend on silvermoon is trying to get it for his wife he says he's tried the last 3 darkmoon fairs and hasn't got one i guess he can't find it oh before you say its bind on pickup he's doing it on his wife's char
Posted: March 05, 2012 10:01:10 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: -3
1-4 of 4
I got the white kitten in BC my first time in SW on my main people laughed at my name of my char but i got the last laugh they where looking for lit' timmy but i got it while they where to busy typeing not knowing they where trying to get the cat i summoned it and they started curseing at each other and saying you where suppose look for him then i said well maybe you should not make fun of my char name and from there on I decide to name all my chars with Squirrel in there name