Spreebok's Comments
(5) comments by Spreebok

Comments by Date (5)
Unlike what his description says, you don't have to have fishing 430 to catch Mr. Pinchy! I just caught him on my Warrior whom had fishing 124 on the cast that landed him. I also got lucky in being rewarded with the Magical Crawdad box on my first wish! Thanks Mr. Pinchy!
This guy is a serious asset for levelling pets in the Vale! Most of the pets are aquatic with a few flying, so you'll often get an entire battle of aquatic battlepets, and you can storm through them. Shadow Talon then Call Darkness to take the first out. Then straight into Nocturnal Strike and most of the time it'll take the next one out in one shot. Then just Shadow Talon a couple of times and you're done!
He's also really good for assisting with Grand Master Aki along with Anu Idol!
Caught mine today at 15:55 server time (Wildhammer EU) Poor Quality B/B.
Highly reccommend the tip wherein you forfiet the battle if she is running Unholy Ascention, took me 7 forfiets for her to be to using Haunt as her third move, so you may have to do it a few times, but it made capturing her a breeze.
Looks fantastic with my Hunter Pet, the Rare Spawn version of Chromaggus!
A very powerful little guy, Ancient Blessing and Ravage make this guy a bit of a tank, as you knock the opponants HP down a bit, Ancient Blessing to heal most of the damage, then knock out with Ravage for extra healing, then one attack after, Ancient Blessing is ready again! :D
Took about an hour for the pet to drop, best place to farm (assuming there's noone else doing the same) I found was the outside areas of Okril'lon, including the forge building and the tower by the flight posts. Very fast spawn rate and you can pull a lot of Orcs in one go due to the close quarters.