Spinderella95's Comments
(6) comments by Spinderella95

Comments by Date (6)
Finally got mine today with two days of dedicated fishing at the monestary. 678 casts with fishing skill at 900 (Emphemeral pole + Tentacled hat).....still waiting on my Tiny Red Carp. 1098 casts and counting at Inkgill Mere.
Finally!!!! I have been punished since Pre-panda by this pet! I accidently killed a grey one probably 2.5yrs ago at the top spawn spot in Borean, before I even knew what it was & how rare / hard they are to find! Tonight 23:27 PST I finally found another (after flying EVERY spawn site on the continent except the last two spots in Borean). She was a grey (H/H) so I just stoned her up to rare! Woot!!!
First battle against a Darkmoon Glowfly (45.2, 50.3) tonight netted me a grey S/S. I think I'll just stone, and call it a day!
First one I found was a rare @ 4:30pm realm. 21.73, 38.46
Found under a tree at 49.23, 70.03. Just stumbled across it as I was leveling some other low pets. Rare on the first drop at ~ 11:00pm realm time.
Last pet for the zone. Found him on a brief sweep after my daily with Vesharr. Uncommon H/B....stoned up to rare, like everything else I get tired of camping for. ;)