Sparkwidget's Comments
(2) comments by Sparkwidget

Comments by Date (2)
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Re: Tiny Harvester
I must have been having a really bad day with these. I was at the farm closest to Elwynn and I killed about 30 of these. The first 20ish? Grey. Then I got an uncommon, which I captured, just in case. Smart move because the next 10ish were grey as well. At that point, I just decided to move on. Though I might go back soon, even if only to level my elementals. Who knows, maybe I'll run into my rare when I'm NOT trying! :P
Posted: June 12, 2013 4:09:57 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
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I waited for an hour for this thing. No spawns. Tried killing the mirebeasts to force a spawn. Nothing. Figured I would just wait a bit and fish, but after a while just said screw it, I'll try again later. Literally as I turned around to leave a little green paw showed up on my minimap. There it was! It was poor quality, but at that point, I figured I'll take what I can get. I can always try again later, or use a stone. Caught it at around 7:00PM on Azuremyst-US, near the heart shaped lake.