Snigglepoo's Comments
(4) comments by Snigglepoo

Comments by Date (4)
1-4 of 4
I have no luck when it comes to random drop pets, but tonight I am on a roll. I got all 4 nest hatchlings and thought I would try my luck at this one. Needed to farm some leather and scales for my alt.
First run nothing, second run two dropped, third run another one. Anyone know if they increase the drop rate of these little guys because compared to what others have said these shouldn't drop this often?
First run nothing, second run two dropped, third run another one. Anyone know if they increase the drop rate of these little guys because compared to what others have said these shouldn't drop this often?
Posted: July 04, 2011 2:13:39 AM
Edits: 1
Rating: -1
S=Sunflower,Z=Shooter, T=Tentacle, F=Freeze, R=Rocknut
Start out with getting 3 S out in the first column. Should be 2-3 zombies. Add a R to block off the zombies w/ 2. Put a Z at the other one in the 3rd column. Add another S and a Z. Then start filling in to have your columns |S|S|Z|T|F|R| .
Make sure you keep at least 2 columns of S. In the F and R columns add pumpkin bombs as needed and pumpkin bomb the boss down.
Hope that helps you guys having troubles. :)
Start out with getting 3 S out in the first column. Should be 2-3 zombies. Add a R to block off the zombies w/ 2. Put a Z at the other one in the 3rd column. Add another S and a Z. Then start filling in to have your columns |S|S|Z|T|F|R| .
Make sure you keep at least 2 columns of S. In the F and R columns add pumpkin bombs as needed and pumpkin bomb the boss down.
Hope that helps you guys having troubles. :)
Posted: December 03, 2010 12:04:47 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
Re: Mr. Grubbs
I got mine after about 30 minutes of farming following the quests. Dropped off a lvl 42 Scourge Guard so you don't need to stick to yellow carrion. I was killing a ton of undead just North West of the Westwall Tower around 60.35, 36.51. There's several Golems, Nerubians, and Scourge. Ix'lar the Underlord also wonders around here. Found this to have a great drop rate of the Hidden Stash and a really nice respawn of the mobs. Very little downtime for me. Enjoy and good luck!
Posted: November 24, 2010 10:36:48 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
1-4 of 4
When I went looking for one I didn't see any. Flew over by Mistwhisper Refuge and one was there. It was a rare. Was able to beat all 3 completely with my level 22 Darkshore Cub.
The Emerald Proto-Whelp did little damage (my bear was only down around 200hp after the entire battle without using Hibernate). Mainly healed himself a lot with Emerald Dream and then Ancient Blessing.