Smooked89's Comments
(2) comments by Smooked89

Comments by Date (2)
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So is this pet going to be hard to get for the Allys now? Im asking because I have one on my main and on my hunter alt but I would like to know if we could get one on my new alt worgen druid? If so then that will be cool but if we have to go around killing them like the hordes then darn it >:( guess Im going to have to farm it then . . . . *sigh*
Posted: February 18, 2011 12:11:44 AM
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Rating: 0
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Got on with my Druid and it dropped for me, i was so excited i was thinking it would not drop. Now on my monk, was not even thinking about the pet for the final day, just wanted the helm and would you know it dropped for me again xD oh what a happy day it was for me lol