Smokey84's Comments
(10) comments by Smokey84

Comments by Date (10)
I wonder if lucky dance is better than rain dance with "clonedance" team... Anyone else have any thoughts? Or is that team pretty much dead now?
I can't wait to try this little guy out with a Thundering Serpent Hatchling with call lightning and cyclone, and a Mechanical Panderan Dragonling with Thunderbolt and decoy...
I kinda wanna try this guy out with syd the squid... Both Magic pets, so big hits won't be an Issue. And the combo of cleansing rain and dreadful breath seems pretty good.
Just got mine after 3 commons, I only had 20 skill in arch... And for the celestial tournament heals, he's a better mass healer than stinker. Stinker healed for 258, pup here heals for 276...
Just caught mine this morning, it was just about 8:30 realm time... And the first one I come to turns out to be a rare! Didn't have time to check the breed because I was just logging on to check and see if any were up before leaving for work... Today will be a great day, one more pet until world safari and the title of zookeeper!
finally found this little guy last night, I had read about the method of making a new DK on a low population server so I tried it out... I had camped my new DK atound the pool to the southern area where they spawn, it took about a week but I finally found one there using that method... I'd recommend those who are still looking for this guy to do the same!
I'm looking for a really good pet battle guild on Drak'thul... I'm heavy into pet battles and I'm almost at the 400 unique pets achievement, and I'm working on leveling pets for the celestial tourney and I could really use this little serpant to get through it... So if someone could please add me that would be great... My main toon's name is Jigoral. Thanks :)
just put a level 25 jadem dancer up on my servers ah
Just got mine! Someone had it on the AH for only 300 gold... i immediately snagged it up!
Does this have its own spawn, or can it show up as secondary pets?